Get in touch with us for further information and discussion of possible ways that we might collaborate at


Two access modalities are considered depending on the amount of sequencing required:

  • Access for small-medium scale projects: researchers are required to contact CNAG project management team ( to discuss the project feasibility, design and costs.
  • Access for large-scale projects: CNAG is part of the OmicsTech ICTS, this kind of projects must be evaluated by an external committee, therefore we need you to follow the steps indicated here.​ ​


Examples of large-scale projects are:

  • WGS human projects that include more than 50 samples
  • WES and RNA-seq projects that include more than 100 samples
  • de novo assembly and annotation projects that include more than 5 samples
  • Single Cell analysis projects that include more than 30 samples


Consultation with CNAG project management team BEFORE submitting a grant application involving large-scale sequencing is necessary.


For more information, please read the CNAG Guidelines and Protocol






We work together with you to generate genomic data sets to boost your research!



Centro Nacional de Análisis Genómico (CNAG)

c/ Baldiri Reixac, 4

Barcelona Science Park - Tower I

08028 Barcelona, Spain

Tel. +34 93 4020542

Communication and Institutional Relationships: +34 683 244 279

Project Management: +34 93 4037289

Fax. +34 93 4037279


You may park at Parking ESMAPARK with main entrance located on Avinguda Doctor Marañón 8.