On Thursday 26th November 2019, from 15h (CET) to 16h (CET) the Data Analysis team of the CNAG-CRG will give a Webinar to introduce GPAP-Phenostore, highlighting its features and tools.
If you would like to attend please register HERE.
The Phenostore is a module recently included in the RD-Connect Genome-Phenome Analysis Platform (GPAP). The RD-Connect GPAP is an online tool for diagnosis and gene discovery in rare disease research. The user-friendly interface lets users, even without bioinformatic training, analyse Next-Generation Sequencing data, such as genomes and exomes, linked to detailed clinical information (phenotypic data) stored in our phenotypic database. The Platform’s unique features allow identifying disease-causing mutations in rare disease patients and confirm diagnosis by finding matching cases submitted by other researchers around the world.
More info: https://rd-connect.eu/