"Menys Rares" is an exhibition on the research in rare diseases organized by the Associació Catalana de Comunicació Científica (ACCC) and supported by the CNAG and the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Raras (CIBERER). The exhibition will stay at the Biblioteca Sagrada Familia of Barcelona (Carrer Provença, 480) until April 24th.
The European Union considers diseases to be rare when they affect not more than 1 per 2 000 persons. If these diseases are rare, patients are numerous as there are some 7 000 known rare diseases (Source: www.orpha.net). Most rare diseases are genetic diseases, implying that biomedical research in this field is relevant in the search for therapies and drugs for treatment.
Through specific cases such as Lowe's, Wolfram's or Williams syndrome, the exhibition will show to the audience some of the most outstanding research in this field.
The exhibition includes a panel explaining generally the research on rare diseases performed at the CNAG, and a video in which Sergi Beltran talks about projects focused on rare diseases in which the CNAG participates.
Further information of the exhibition at: