As a result of its successful contribution to the ICGC-CLL project, the CNAG has been invited to participate in two new projects which have recently joined the ICGC. Both are French initiatives, one focused on prostate cancer and led by Olivier Cussenot from the Tenon Hospital in Paris and the other focused on the Ewing sarcoma and coordinated by Olivier Delattre of the Curie Institute.
The aim of the prostate cancer project is to identify genomic changes that cause this disease and to identify and characterize the factors that determine the aggressiveness of the initial stages of this cancer. The Ewing's sarcoma project aims to sequence 100 complete genomes of cells of patients suffering from this disease. It is an initiative of great projection, since this is the second most common bone tumor in children and teenagers.
The ICGC is a pioneering global consortium that aims to obtain a complete description of genomic changes, transcriptomic and epigenomic in 50 types and / or subtypes of tumors which are of clinical and societal importance across the globe. All projects that are part of the ICGC are continually evaluated by the various committees and working groups that mark the Consortium guidelines. This organization ensures that the results obtained have big impact on current biomedical research. This collaborative effort is rewarded by good results. The large-scale studies have allowed the ICGC to make valuable discoveries that help us understand how different tumors develop and set the stage to quickly bring more accurate diagnostic tests to the clinical management of patients.With these two new collaborations the CNAG consolidates as the European center of reference on sequencing and analysis. Beyond the ICGC, the CNAG works in over 100 projects in the areas of biomedicine, molecular biology and agrifood and is a leading member of eight projects funded by the European Union and several studies of Spanish and Catalan initiatives from the public and private sector.