Organizers: Miguel Beato (CRG), Luciano di Croce (CRG), Marc Martí-Renom (CNAG-CRG)

Marc Marti-Renom, leader of the Genome Biology Group coorganizes this meeting that will be held at the CRG.

The “Chromosomes, Stem Cells and Disease” meeting will be held at the Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG) in Barcelona on the September 20-21, 2012. This exciting 2-day conference will bring together scientists studying chromatin structure, stem cell and epigenetics.


The talks will cover a broad range of topics, including chromosome organization, long-range interactions, chromatin assembly, stem cell regulation/differentiation, RNA-based mechanisms and transcription regulation.


Young scientists will be able to present their work through posters or through high number of short talks selected from submitted abstracts. The programme includes time for exchanging ideas and discussing novel hypothesis at the end of each session, and time for the informal interactions.