Our group has experience in obtaining and releasing good reference genomes, and the species herein proposed are already collected from previous projects with the necessary permits (Xerocrassa montserratensis N=5, B9-Pegueroles; Tylodina raffinesquii N=1, B11-Galià-Camps). T. rafinesquii DNA will be extracted on the UB (A1-Arnedo). These species are native to the Catalan territories and are currently threatened.
This project is funded by the Institute of Catalan Studies, throught the Catalan Initiative for the Earth BioGenome Project.
Sequencing and assembly will be performed by CNAG with two assemblers, polished, purged and scaffolded with Hi-C data to yield chromosome-length scaffolds. Assembly stages will be evaluated with contiguity statistics and genome completeness. For accurate gene annotation, we will combine transcriptomic data, protein content from public repositories, and ab initio gene predictions. Non protein-coding genes will also be annotated by the Universitat de Barcelona. Read data and annotated assemblies will be submitted to ENA under the Catalan Initiative for the Earth BioGenome Project umbrella. For X. montserratensis, we aim resequencing 12 individuals from the 4 mitogroups identified by our group, matching some described subspecies.
Dr. Jesús Lozano (Universitat de Barcelona) will coordinate the project.