A distributed infrastructure for life-science information - Building a sustainable European infrastructure for biological information, supporting life science research and its translation to medicine, agriculture, bioindustries and society

From September 2015, ‘ELIXIR-EXCELERATE’ is facilitating the integration of Europe’s bioinformatics resources, supporting all sectors of life-science R&D. It will deliver excellence to ELIXIR’s users by fast-tracking the development and deployment of essential data services.

EXCELERATE funding will help ELIXIR coordinate and extend national and international data resources to ensure the delivery of world-leading life-science data services. It will support a pan-European training programme, anchored in national infrastructures, to increase bioinformatics capacity and competency. It will also provide efficiencies in management and operation throughout the infrastructure, which is distributed amongst 17 countries.

The CNAG-CRG participates in ELIXIR through the National Bioinformatics Institute (INB), a platform of the National Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII), whose central node is hosted at the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO).

ELIXIR was invited to apply to a dedicated call within Horizon 2020 following the ESFRI and European Council decision in 2014 to categorize ELIXIR as one of Europe’s three priority new Research Infrastructures.

More Information: ELIXIR website


Niklas Bloomberg