Xatardia scabra is an endemic species found in the eastern Pyrenees, inhabiting the scree slopes of alpine and subalpine regions between (1600) 1900-2900 meters above sea level. It is considered vulnerable on the French Red List and is one of the plants being studied in various European projects such as Poctefa Floralab and its continuation, Floralab+. In the latter project, the need for genetic studies of populations of this species has been identified and will be conducted by the University of Perpignan.
The material to be sequenced has been collected by AR+I. Genome measurements of the same samples have been calculated with a chromosome number of 2n: 22, and its size has been measured at 2C=9.1 pg (1C=4450 Mbp). The genome sequencing aims to provide a deeper understanding of the biology and conservation of this species by identifying key genes for adaptation and survival.
This project is funded by the Institute of Catalan Studies, through the Catalan Initiative for the Earth BioGenome Project.
CNAG will perform sequencing, assembly, and annotation of species.
Dr. Maria Cinta Pegueroles (Universitat de Barcelona) will coordinate the project.