The Lynx Genomics project, directed by José Antonio Godoy of the Doñana Biological Station (CSIC), aims to determine the sequence of the genome of this mammal, which will provide valuable information, resources and tools to investigate the biology and evolution of the species and ensure their conservation. Besides its scientific and conservation interest, this project holds a major strategic and innovative component: the genome of the Iberian lynx will become the first sequenced genome of a mammal in its entirety in Spain and one of the first genomes sequenced by complex sequencing technologies.
The CNAG will be in charge of the sequencing and analysis of the samples. The current sequencing capacity of the center will allow obtaining the reference genome sequence of the lynx and analyzing its variability in 10 individuals. The program Proyectos Zero en Especies Amenazadas of the CSIC General Foundation aims to promote research excellence, unique and extraordinary, from a transdisciplinary perspective. It is focused on research groups linked to public institutions and it is organized through open calls, framed in the four major strategies of the Foundation: Endangered species; aging, disability and disease; ecology and human development; and Borders.This first call is focused at promoting high-impact research projects aimed at protecting and preserving plant and animal species threatened or endangered, and has received 41 applications.
Photograph by H. Garrido - CSIC
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