• Speliotes EK, Yerges-Armstrong LM, Wu J et al. including Heath SC as collaborator
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  • Peden et al. includinh Heath S.
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  • Cichon S, Mühleisen TW, Degenhardt FA, Mattheisen M, Miró X, Strohmaier J, Steffens M, Meesters C, Herms S, Weingarten M, Priebe L, Haenisch B et al. including Heath S.
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  • Rønneberg JA, Fleischer T, Solvang HK, Nordgard SH, Edvardsen H, et al. including Gut I.Mol Oncol. 2011 Feb;5(1):61-76. Epub 2010 Nov 25.

  • Chew CS, Cherry CL, Imran D, Yunihastuti E, Kamarulzaman A, et al. including Gut I.
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  • Tan JH, Temple SE, Kee C, Waterer GW, Tan CR, Gut I, Price P
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  • Fletcher O, Johnson N, Orr N, Hosking FJ, Gibson LJ, Walker K, Zelenika D, Gut I, Heath S, et al.
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  • Purdue MP, Johansson M, Zelenika D, Toro JR, at al. including Gut I, Heath S.
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  • Castori M, Castiglia D, Brancati F et al including Heath S.
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  • Ege MJ, Strachan DP, Cookson WO, Moffatt MF, Gut I, et al.
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  • Tan JH, Price P, Gut I, Stacey MC, Warrington NM, Wallace HJ.
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  • Michel S, Liang L, Depner M, Klopp N, et al. including Gut IG.
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  • Tabara Y, Kohara K, Kita Y, Hirawa N, Katsuya T, et al including Gut IG as collaborator.
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  • Meyer T, D'Abramo M, Hospital A, Rueda M, et al. including Camps J.
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  • Agueda L, Velázquez-Cruz R, Urreizti R, Yoskovitz G, Sarrion P, et al.
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  • Corvelo A, Hallegger M, Smith CW, Eyras E.
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  • Ribasés M, Ramos-Quiroga JA, Sánchez-Mora C, Bosch R, Richarte V, et al. including Bayés M.
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  • Feehally J, Farrall M, Boland A, Gale DP, Gut I, Heath S et al. J Am Soc Nephrol.
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  • Gratacòs M, Escaramís G, Bustamante M, Saus E, Agüera Z, Bayés M at al.
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  • Antoni G, Morange PE, Luo Y, Saut N, Burgos G, Heath S et al.
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