Current estimates suggest that venomous snakes affect at least 1.8–2.7 million people worldwide each year, leaving a trail of between 81,000 and 138,000 deaths and 400,000 surviving victims who suffer from permanent physical and psychological disabilities. Snakes are abundant in warmer climates,...
In Catalonia, biospeleology has a rich tradition that dates back 150 years, and local researchers have pioneered molecular approaches to study cave organisms. Within the framework of the second call of the CBP to articulate projects to sequence the genome of species of the Catalan-speaking...
Data science and machine learning offer important opportunities for advancing digital health and diagnostics. However, it is necessary to achieve scientific and technological breakthroughs beyond the capabilities of current systems. Healthcare generates amounts of data through clinical exams...
Production of reference genomes of EBP-quality at scale requires a high level of automation and quality control. We aim to continue updating the de novo genome assembly pipeline in production at the CNAG. Plans include the addition of Hifiasm for assembly of PacBio HiFi data, testing and...
Instand-NGS4P is a 65-month PCP project federating 7 leading medical centers as buyers’ group with major experience in using different NGS platforms in research and routine diagnostics. The consortium is further strengthened by European...
