Infraestructura de Medicina de Precisión asociada a la Ciencia y Tecnología
IMPaCT is an initiative of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III including three programs: Predictive Medicine, Genomic Medicine and Data Science. The CNAG-CRG will play an essential role in the Genomic Medicine program, coordinated by Ángel Carracedo from the CIBER for Rare Diseases. The objective is...
Coordinator: Ángel Carracedo, CIBERER; Alfonso Valencia (BSC), Spain
Training of computational proteomics researchers
PROTrEIN is a European Innovative Training Network composed of 11 beneficiaries, and 6 partner organizations, from the academic and non-academic sectors (including two SMEs and two large companies). The international consortium will be led by Eduard Sabidó, Head of the Proteomics Unit of the CRG...
Coordinator: Eduard Sabidó (CRG, Barcelona)
The GENPIR Project tries to reveal the recent history of the populations of the Catalan Pyrenees, studying the genetic material of its inhabitants. This geographical area has been an important transit area in historical times, which could have left distinctive signs in the genetic composition of...
Coordinator: Oscar Lao (CNAG-CRG), Joan Fibla (UdL) and Pedro Moral (UB)
Parameterisation of large scale cancer models for personalised therapy of triple negative breast cancer
The development of computational models to predict drug response and enhance understanding of cancer onset and progression based on an individual’s molecular profile, is providing new opportunities for personalised medicine in oncology. Computational models based on ordinary differential equations...
Coordinator: Hans Lehrach (MPI MolGen, Germany)
HPC/Exascale Centre of Excellence on Personalised Medicine
Personalised Medicine (PerMed) opens unexplored frontiers to treat diseases at the individual level combining clinical and omics information. However, the performances of the current simulation software are still insufficient to tackle medical problems such as tumour evolution or patient-specific...
Coordinator: Alfonso Valencia (BSC, Spain)
Certain neurological disorders, such as Dravet's syndrome, are complex to treat because they exhibit high rates of drug resistance and have a high variability among patients. To find the most effective treatment, it is often necessary to try different combinations of drugs with each patient, a...
Coordinator: Sandra Acosta, IBE UPF-CSIC, Spain
